Tuesday 24 September 2019

Frauds and roulette

As a rule, scammers near the roulette tables, working against the casino.
The most common way of cheating on roulette is "cover".
The essence of it is as follows: the fraudster makes several different bets on roulette (mostly stacks of several different chips), and when the result becomes clear, imperceptibly for the dealer adds a few chips to the winning cell. For example, if the "cap" will add to his winning direct bet (bet on the number of roulette) just $ 2, he will be richer by 70...

Scammers when playing roulette casino

"Lids" work mainly with partners or even a team, behave noisily, constantly waving their hands and create chaos at the roulette table. This is done deliberately in order to divert the attention of the casino dealer from betting and " naturalness "when"covering". "Lids" usually play at a table with a lot of players-neighbors - so it's easier to" cover", remaining unnoticed by the security service of the casino.
No less popular way of cheating roulette players against the casino is a banal collusion of the player with the dealer of the roulette.
The player and the dealer agree in advance (outside the casino). During the game of roulette, the dealer pays the player an inflated bet, or even pays for a bet on the roulette field that has not even been made.
With all its simplicity and invisibility, this method is the most exposed. The matter is that any casino keeps the most careful statistics of games, and at loss of one of roulette tables from the General "track" the dealer is at once closely watched and controlled by security service of a casino. Although at short distances for high Rollers (players who play big), this method brings a lot of money. The main thing is not to get carried away...
Of the scammers trying to" cheat " the player near the roulette table, you can select only pickpockets and thieves chips wielding in the casino.

1 comment:

  1. I read a lot about cheats in casinos and now I am very skeptical about these games. For example, here is the story of Roulette Scam at US Casinos https://www.casinoznz.com/content/roulette-scam-at-us-casinos-623.html and there are a lot of such. For example, I do not want to participate in this kind of games. This is unacceptable and unacceptable to me.
